Brian Grunau
Brian Grunau MD MHSc
Dr. Grunau is an emergency physician at St. Paul’s Hospital (Vancouver, B.C., Canada) and a scientist at the Centre for Health Evaluation and Outcomes Sciences. He is a Clinical Assistant Professor and the Resuscitation Innovation Lead in the University of British Columbia (BC) Department of Emergency Medicine, the chair of the BC Resuscitation Research Committee, and is an investigator within the Canadian Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium. Dr. Grunau’s primary research focus is the management of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests (OHCA) that prove refractory to initial attempts at resuscitation, and has published over 45 peer-reviewed articles. He has twice been awarded an American Heart Association Young Investigator Award, and has contributed to the Heartsaver and ACLS Experienced Provider curricula. Dr. Grunau has developed special expertise in the field of extracorporeal-CPR (ECPR) having spearheaded the first formal regional ECPR program for OHCA in Canada, involving prehospital and hospital-based protocols. Dr. Grunau is the director of the St. Paul’s Hospital ECPR Program, the co-chair of the Canadian ECPR Research Network for OHCA, and has spoken to numerous audiences in Canada and the US on this topic.