Call for abstracts
Important dates
Abstract submission open
June 10, 2018
Abstract submission closed
February 11, 2019
The scientific programme consists in 6 streams:
- Education and Training: this stream includes some sessions on animal user training, professional development (including a day focusing on animal technicians and caregivers), some deal with training delivery in practice, and how to make assessments a key part of a successful education scheme.
- Reproducibility and Translation: this stream discusses animal research reporting and focuses on three aspects of the reproducibility conundrum: experimental design, genetic quality, and microbiota management.
- Model Management: this stream details a wide range of key considerations for the development of a project: from 3Rs implementation including the termination of severe suffering and pain management, to adapting the animal facility to the latest technologies.
- Defining Good Care: this stream presents the latest working groups’ recommendations to optimize husbandry and culture of care. Topics include capture, transport, health monitoring and euthanasia of various species like rodents, farm animals, NHP and aquatics.
- Compliance and Communication: this stream tackles the high level challenges regarding legislation, openness and transparency, strength of ethics committees within institutions, LAS staff management, cooperation and 3Rs implementation.
- Severity Classification: this stream is made of four half-day workshops on the classification and reporting severity, one workshop to train the trainees on severity, and one session focusing on the severity classification in aquatics.
Abstract Submission Form
All abstracts can be submitted only via this Online Abstract Submission Form.
Guidelines for Abstract Submission
- All Abstracts must be submitted only via the Online Abstract Submission Form and according to the following instructions. Abstracts submitted by fax or by email will not be accepted.
- All abstracts must be submitted and presented in English.
- Titles cannot exceed the limit of 14 words. No abbreviations to be used in the title of the abstract.
- Abstract cannot exceed the limit of 250 words (excluding title, authors, affiliations and references).
- Figures, graphs, images, diagrams should not be included.
- Do not include references into the abstract’s text. References, if any, are added in the separate box and they will not be included in the Abstract Book.
- Please choose the topic most related to your abstract. However, the Scientific Committee reserves the right to decide on the definitive topic after abstract selection.
- Please choose the desired presentation form for your abstract. However, the Scientific Committee reserves the right to decide on the definitive type of presentation after abstract selection.
- The system will automatically let you know whether you have complied with the rules before accepting your submission.
- An automatically generated confirmation will be sent to the contact person´s email address. If you do not receive it within an hour (and it will not be in your spam folder, either), please contact us at Make sure you type in the correct email address during the abstract submission process.
- You can amend your abstract no later than one day after its submission. If any changes to your abstract are necessary after that, please contact us at the email address above any time before the final deadline for the abstract submission. Please do not submit the abstract another time.
- Abstracts will be peer-reviewed and selected by the Scientific Committee for oral or poster presentation.
- All accepted abstract authors will be notified by email.
- Accepted abstracts will be published in the Abstract Book. Wherever possible, abstracts are reproduced in the Abstract Book as submitted by the authors. Abstracts not suitable for reproduction will be rejected. Please have your abstract proofread for correct spelling, punctuation and grammar. Abstracts will be published without further reviewing.
- Abstracts received after the deadline of February 10, 2019 cannot be accepted and therefore will not be considered for the scientific programme or publication.
- It is also our understanding that authors of accepted abstracts have the financial resources to pay all personal expenses incurred including the congress registration, production of their presentation, travel and accommodation during the congress; unless they have received a personal invitation from the chair of the Scientific Committee detailing some financial support.
- If you have difficulties submitting your abstracts or should you need any further information, please contact the Congress Department at
Disclosure of Interest:
The intention of FELASA is to provide high-quality sessions focused on educational and/or scientific content that is free from commercial influence or bias. We request all presenters to co-operate with this by:
- Declaring any potential conflict of interest in a Disclosure section of the abstract submission;
- Omitting the company or product names in the abstract.
The Scientific Committee looks forward to reviewing your abstracts!
Chair of the FELASA 2019 Scientific Committee